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Monday, August 31, 2015

Ways to Save Car's FUEL!

In Malaysia Petrol price are not stable, and sometimes it increase tremendously. So people will think twice before planning to go out. If we pay for 30 bucks then we only get 15 liters of petrol. So can you imagine it? It is so bad because we only get half of it.

To solve this problem, I am here to give some advice for you guys who worried on spending their money for fuel. 

First, try to not use the car often and instead of that if you want to go to somewhere in a short distance it is better if you just walk or cycling. It is good for environment too because it can reduce air pollution and keep yourself healthy.

Besides that, many people do not notice that if the car's tires does not have enough pressure it can affect the fuel consumption. So, regularly check the tires pressure.

Furthermore, Control your speed and slow down can also help in order to reduce the fuel consumption because if we speed on the road the engine revving harder and chewing more fuel.

Next, plan smartly before go out from the house so you can finish many tasks in one time. This will be better because you won't keep doing the same thing and it such a waste. 

Plus, keep your vehicle in a good condition and clean all the unnecessary things. All the things that can lead to over weight you car can cause to fuel consumption.

Well, let us practice all the tips and keep your fuel! 

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